The Websites page allows you to monitor the status of websites or devices.
The Websites page
This page lists all of your websites with the following information:
- The device label and what 360 Monitoring categorizes that device as.
- The load time for that device in seconds.
- The uptime for 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days.
To start monitoring a website, click the Add website button.
You can remove a website with the trash can icon.
Add a website
To add a website, click Add Website or click the Add website tab. A new page will appear.
Then, enter the following information into the page:
- The check type for the website:
- HTTP - Checks for a valid HTTP status code on port 80 (http)
- HTTPS - Checks for a valid HTTP status code on port 443 (https)
- TCP - Checks for a response on a specific TCP port using telnet
- ICMP - Sends an ICMP Ping request to your IP or Hostname.
- The IP address, hostname, or URL to monitor.
- The maximum number of redirects our uptime node will make. If the node exceeds the number of redirects it will trigger an error.
- The maximum amount of a check can take before triggering a timeout error.
- The friendly name of the monitor. This is the label that will appear on the dashboard.
- Select how often the website monitor will run.
- Select the sensitivity of the website monitor. This will set how many failures are necessary before an alarm is triggered. The higher the value, the less likely you will get a false positive alarm.
- Select the location from which monitoring requests come.
- Select the recipients from your contacts list that will receive the alerts.
- To view advanced monitoring options, click Advanced:
- Connection Timeout
- Auth Method - The authentication method to log in to the page.
- Username
- Password
- Alert on keyword - Whether the term matches or does not match.
- Postdata - The POST data to submit to a form.
- User agent
- Resolve - Set the IP address manually. This is useful if Cloudflare or another dynamic-IP address resource hosts the device.
- Method - Whether to use HEAD, GET, POST, or PUT.
- IP Version - Either ipv4 or ipv6.
- Click Start Monitoring.
To temporarily pause monitoring for a device, click the three dots for that website and then click Pause monitoring.
IP Whitelist
To allow 360 Monitoring to monitor a server or domain, we recommend that you configure your firewall to whitelist the IP addresses listed on the following two sites:
Website details
The Overview tab displays more information about a monitor:
- Performance - A graph with additional performance statistics. The graph will shade any period of downtime in red. Click Add to Dashboard to add this graph to a dashboard.
- Additional monitoring locations - To add a monitoring location, select it from the drop-down picklist and click Add.
- Events - A list of alerts that the monitor has sent. Each entry includes the reason for the alert, when it happened, how long it took place (or if it’s currently happening), and where it sent notifications. To delete an alert, go to the Alerts History page.
- The Summary sidebar.
- A calendar to display statistics from a particular date.
The Export tab allows you to export a website activity report to a PDF file:
- Select the Start date and time for the report.
- Select the End date and time for the report.
- Click Create Report.
- After a few seconds, you can display the PDF file or save it to your computer.
The Maintenance tab allows you to set a maintenance window for a monitor. This will turn off any monitoring alerts during a maintenance window so you can avoid false alarms. Click Add Maintenance Window and enter the details for the window to schedule one. You can edit or remove a maintenance window from the list.
The Settings tab allows you to edit the website monitor’s configuration. These fields and text boxes are similar to the ones available in the Add website tab.
Make your desired changes to the website monitor and click Update.
Updated 7 months ago