Server Details


The Server Details page contains details and statistics about your server.

Statistics Overview

The top of the server’s Statistics Overview page displays the server’s operating system and version, the version of the monitoring agent it runs, the uptime, load average, and time until the next statistics update.


Tags allow you to organize your servers into groups. This makes it easier to assign monitors and alerts to multiple servers. To add a tag to the server, click Add tags and enter the desired tag or tags.

Date range

The right side of the page’s heading displays the date range to use for statistics. Click the calendar icon to select the start and end time for the date range.


The page also displays graphs for CPU, Memory, Disk, Load Average, Network traffic, and the Top Processes that run on the server. You can display exact measurements on a graph by moving your cursor over it.


The Summary on the right of the interface contains system information, links to install various plugins to the server’s services, any open alerts, networking statistics, disk statistics and S.M.A.R.T. information, and the top processes for CPU or Memory.

You can write notes about the server at the bottom of the page.


The Network page displays information about your server’s network traffic:

  • The Adapters table displays details about each network adapter.
  • The Ping table displays with ping times from several 360 Monitoring sites on a graph.
  • The graphs below display detailed statistics for each network adapter.


The Memory page displays information about memory usage on your server:

  • The Memory graph shows memory use on the server
  • The Active and Inactive Memory graph shows the active memory use, compared to inactive memory.
  • The Swap graph displays the size of the swap file and how much of it is in use.
  • The Top 10 Processes graph displays the top 10 processes and how much memory they use from the memory pool.


The CPU page displays information about CPU usage on your server:

  • The Overall CPU Usage graph shows the an average of usage on all CPUs and cores on the server.
  • The Top 10 Processes graph shows the top 10 processes and how much of the CPUs each uses.
  • The graphs below display detailed statistics for each CPU and cores.


The Disk page displays information about the storage devices on your server:

  • The Overall Usage graph displays how much data each mount point stores on the server.
  • The Mount table lists each mount point, how much is stored in each, and how much free space is on each.
  • The I/O Transactions graph displays number of transactions on a drive.
  • The I/O Data graph displays amount of data being written and read.


The Processes page lists all of the processes that are running on your server and useful details about each process.
You can sort the table by clicking on a column header.
Click a Process ID, User, or Program to open a page with the total amount of CPU, Memory, Process Counts, and Disk I/O it uses.


The Alerts page contains three subpages:

  • The Alerts tab allows you to review any active alert notifications on a server. To turn off an alert, click Remove in that alert’s row.
  • The Manage Alerts tab allows you to enable or disable the alerts for a server. If you wish to add or remove alerts, go to the Alerts page.
  • The Maintenance tab allows you to schedule a maintenance window for the server. This will turn off any monitoring alerts during a maintenance window so you can avoid false alarms. Click Add Maintenance Window and enter the details for the window to schedule one. You can edit or remove a maintenance window from the list.


360 Monitoring offers a variety of plugins that allow you to monitor additional services, such as Apache performance, and other server properties, such as temperature.
To add metrics from a plugin, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a Plugin to review.
  2. Select a Metric from that plugin.
  3. Enter a Chart Name to use.
  4. Perform one of the following actions:
  • Select the Dashboard to add it to and click Save to Dashboard.
  • Click Download to download a PNG graph or chart of the metric you selected.

For more information about available plugins for 360 Monitoring, read Our Plugins documentation.


The Settings page allows you to change a few settings on 360 Monitoring for your server:

  • The Name textbox allows you to change the name that 360 Monitoring displays for the server.
  • The Uptime Monitor allows you to select a monitor on that server to use as the uptime monitor for that server.
  • The Additional Fields section of the page allows you to enter information about your server. You can use it for things like cost per month, any wheel user names, license keys, or other things you may need to remember for your server. Enter the key, the value, and click Save. You can edit and remove any additional fields on a server.
  • To remove a server from 360 Monitoring, follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.