360 Monitoring Installation
This document explains how to install 360 Monitoring.
360 Monitoring is a web service that monitors your servers’ performance, displays vital statistics, and can send alerts.
This software is an operating system-agnostic agent compatible with Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6
. It’s been optimized to have a small CPU consumption and comes with an extendable set of useful plugins.
When you add a server to 360 Monitoring, the 360 Monitoring site will display basic installation instructions for that type of server. However, depending on your platform, you may need to perform the installation manually.
Plesk Servers from UI
To install 360 Monitoring on a Plesk server, perform the following steps:
Located under the Monitoring Extension in the main menu of your Plesk server. section, click the Connect button to connect your Plesk server to the 360 platform. The Confirm connecting your server to “Plesk 360” interface will appear.
Click Confirm to complete the server connection and return to Plesk. The system will return you to the main Plesk interface.
Located under the Try 360 Monitoring for Free section, click the Activate button. The Confirm activating the 360 Monitoring interface will appear.
Click the Confirm.
After a few minutes, the system will complete the installation. You can find the 360 monitoring graphs in the main 360 interface.
Installing 360 Monitoring on a Plesk server via the CLI
You can connect your Plesk server to 360 Monitoring using the CLI. Platform 360 uses API tokens for authentication. For more information on API tokens, read the API Token documentation from Plesk 360.
Reading an API token from a file
- The following examples assume you are storing your API token in the
location.- The API token in the
file must have read and write permissions set for the file owner.
To connect your Plesk server to 360 Monitoring via the CLI by reading an API token from a file, use the following command:
plesk ext platform360 --connect-server -p360-key-file /path/to/file/with/secret
plesk ext platform360 --monitoring-setup -p360-key-file /path/to/file/with/secret
plesk ext monitoring --cloud --install-monitoring-agent
Entering an API token manually
To connect your Plesk server to 360 Monitoring via the CLI by entering the API token manually, use the following commands:
plesk ext platform360 --connect-server -p360-key-file -
plesk ext platform360 --monitoring-setup -p360-key-file -
plesk ext monitoring --cloud --install-monitoring-agent
These commands will prompt you to enter your API token string directly into the CLI.
Using the Plesk REST API
If you wish to use the Plesk REST API to install 360 Monitoring, you must set the P360_API_KEY
environment variable. To set the P360_API_KEY
environment variable, use the following commands:
plesk ext platform360 --connect-server
plesk ext platform360 --monitoring-setup
plesk ext monitoring --cloud --install-monitoring-agent
Use the following command to unset the P360_API_KEY environment variable for security purposes when you are done:
unset P360_API_KEY
Debian GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux
To install 360 Monitoring on Debian GNU/Linux, perform the following steps:
- In the 360 Navigation Bar, click Servers.
- Click Add Server. The Monitor a new server window will appear.
- Copy the shown command and execute it on your server
To manually install the 360 Monitoring agent, perform the following steps:
apt-get install python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-pip
pip3 install agent360
wget -O /etc/agent360.ini https://monitoring.platform360.io/agent360.ini
To obtain your USERTOKEN
value, perform the following steps:
- In the 360 Navigation Bar, click Servers.
- Click Add Server. The Monitor a new server window will appear.
- The
token appears at the bottom of the window.
Then, you will use thisUSERTOKEN
value to generate aserverid
with the following command:
agent360 hello USERTOKEN /etc/agent360-token.ini
Finally, run the following commands:
chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/agent360.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable agent360
systemctl start agent360
Fedora / CentOS
To install 360 Monitoring on Fedora and CentOS version 6 or earlier (python 2.6, 2.7), run the following commands:
yum install python-devel python-setuptools gcc
easy_install agent360 netifaces psutil
For Fedora and CentOS version 7 and later (python 3), run the following commands:
yum install python36-devel python36 gcc
pip3 install agent360
Python 2.4 or 2.5 environment
Because the source package is published on PyPI, provided that you’ve obtained setuptools
, simply perform the following command:
easy_install agent360
Install on Windows Servers
- Download and run
from the Add Server section - Run the
file on the server and enter youruserid
also appears on this page. You will need this information for the 360 Monitoring installer. Copy/paste theuserid
in to the 360 Monitoring installer.
Updated 6 months ago