Uninstalling 360 Monitoring

Manual uninstallation

  1. Connect to the server via SSH
  2. Uninstall the service
# systemctl stop agent360
# systemctl disable agent360
# rm -f /etc/systemd/system/agent360
  1. Remove the configuration
# rm -f /etc/agent360.ini
# rm -f /etc/agent360-token.ini
  1. Uninstall the agent module and user
# pip uninstall agent360
# userdel agent360
  1. Wait for 15 minutes
  2. Go to 360 Monitoring > Servers
  3. Click remove server next to the server name

Automatic uninstallation

  1. Connect to the server via SSH
  2. Execute the following command to download and run the uninstallation script:
sh <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plesk/kb-scripts/master/360-monitoring-uninstall/360-monitoring-uninstall.sh || wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plesk/kb-scripts/master/360-monitoring-uninstall/360-monitoring-uninstall.sh)
  1. Once the script finishes its job, wait for 15 minutes (the propagation of changes on 360 Monitoring takes this time)
  2. Go to 360 Monitoring > Servers
  3. Click the remove server button next to the server name